Can’t Wait Wednesday
This meme is hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally, they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine. If you’re continuing with WOW, feel free to link those up too! Find out more here. Today I’m featuring The Weekend Retreat by Tara Laskowski.
The Weekend Retreat By Tara Laskowski

Category/Genre: Adult Fiction, Psychological Thriller
Release Date: December 26, 2023
Publisher: Graydon House
The Weekend Retreat By Tara Laskowski- Goodreads Summary
Every year, the illustrious Van Ness siblings—heirs to a copper fortune—gather at their luxury winery estate for a joint birthday celebration. It’s a tradition they’ve followed nearly all their lives, and now they are back with their significant others for a much-needed weekend of rest and relaxation, away from the public spotlight.
With lavish comforts, gorgeous scenery, and indulgent drinking, the trip should be the perfect escape. But it soon becomes clear that even a remote, idyllic getaway can’t keep out the problems simmering in each of their lives. As old tensions are reignited, the three couples are pushed to the edge. Will their secrets destroy them, or will they destroy each other first? And who’s been watching them from beyond the vineyard gates?
What books are you looking forward to? How does The Weekend Retreat sound to you?
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