February 9, 2025

Novel Lives

Book Publicity, Book Reviews, And Author Interviews

Novel Lives Fourth Of July Book Tag

Fourth Of July Book Tag

I had no idea what to post today. So, I created a book tag!!! Being it is the Fourth Of July, I tried to create the book tag around the holiday. I don’t know whether to be proud or terrified, bahaha! I’m not tagging anyone, but feel free to use it and link back to me! It is pretty straightforward. Except for one question, I utilized books I read (past two-three years) recently. This way, I’m not constantly repeating the same books. But still, I said one question breaks this rule, and it’s an obvious answer. Reviews are linked, where applicable. Here we go!

Reading Books


Book(s) To Grill

Basically, books that made you feel like…


…And caused saltiness

Review and SUmmary

Most Recent… Windfall By Wendy Corsi Staub

Review and Summary

A very unlikeable book… A Likeable Woman By May Cobb


Drowning By T.J. Newman

Like Apple Pie, Books You Want A Second Helping Of


How could you not want a second helping of the wonderful cast and plot of Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers?!

Elle Cosimano

Ok, this is like the 4th  helping, but bring on the whole damn Finlay Donovan pie (Author interview linked here)

Gregg Hurwitz

Ok… Bring a second pie, please! I can’t get enough of Orphan X (author interview linked here).

Books To Drink On A Hot Day

This is basically a refreshing book that went above and beyond its genre. And I’m going with a book I’ve been talking about non-stop since coming out of hiatus. Also, you will read in one sitting.


On A Quiet Street By Seraphina Nova Glass, narrated by the brilliant Imogen Church (see interview here)

Books That Are Like Fourth Of July Fireworks

Basically, the opposite of Books to Grill.


Review Summary

 The Third Daughter By Adrienne Tooley


How about two birds with one stone? Champion of Fate (which comes out in September) and All These Bodies by Kendare Blake.

Review and summary

I really wanted to include a thriller in this one, but I had a hard time choosing from my most recent reads. So I have two! First, Before She Finds Me by Heather Chavez.

Katie Garner

Second, The Night It Ended By Katie Garner.

Books To Read With Friends

This was easy, and thank God I had Becky to read it with! Because I just couldn’t, alone.

True story… the boy happened to come home from work while I was sobbing over one of the chapters in Cruel And Fated Light. He looked at me and said. Just tell me you are crying over a book. I’ll buy dinner and get some wine. I love him.

I was on hiatus when Becky and I read this, so here is her review. 

Drunk Books

We all have those drunk friends that don’t know what the hell they are doing, but they get obnoxious as fuck. Not funny drunk but WASTED and stupid. These books have no clue what they are doing with themselves.

Clemence Michallon and Chandler Baker

Two for the price of one! The Quiet Tenant and Cutting Teeth

Books That Should Be A National Anthem

Ok, the last one is where I break my own rule. Because there are two books that are on this list. I haven’t officially reviewed any of them, but if you want some insight as to why I relate to Kaz Brekker? See these links:

Day 1

Day 3

There is a day 2, but I can’t pull it up for some reason. It is linked in the day three post.


Ok, that’s it! What did you think of my first created tag? And the answers? What would yours be? Would you do this tag?!

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