January 12, 2025

Novel Lives

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Mages Have Something To Say This First Line Friday

First Line Friday


First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for readers hosted by Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, author, or prestige. We try to hook Readers by the first line, instead.

Psst, I found this in Becky’s Book Blog. Please go check her out!


  • Pick a book off your shelf (it could be a current read, ARC, TBR, or favorite read (Hello, close your eyes and pick a book) and open to the first page.
  • Copy the first few lines, but don’t give anything else about the book away just yet – you need to hook the reader first.

This First Line Friday Is A Paragraph. Not Even Gonna Lie


First Line Friday

First Line(s) Friday- Ok Paragraph

Picture a wizard.. Go ahead, close your eyes if you need to. There he is, see? Old, skinny guy with a long scraggly beard he probably trips over on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. No doubt he’s wear some sort of iridescent silk robes that couldn’t protect his frail body from a light breeze. The hat’s a must, too, right? Big, floppy thing, covered in esoteric symbols that would reveal to every other mage which sources of magic this morn relies on for his powers. Wouldn’t want a simple steel helmet or something that  might, you know, protect the part of him most needed for cojuring magical forcees from being bashed in with a mace or pretty much any household object heavier than a soup ladle.

Yep. Behold the mighty wizard: a stoop-backed feeb who couldn’t run up a long flight of stairs without giving himself a heart attack.

Now, open your eyes and let me show you what a real war mage looks like.


First Line(S) Friday Reveal

The Malevolent Seven *




May 16, 2023


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