Top 5 Saturday: Books With Numbers In The Title
This Saturday Top Five series was created by Amanda at Devouring Books, she has kept it going since last October, every Saturday and holy hell has it grown!!! I don’t typically tag anyone but anyone and everyone is welcome to join. Here is the schedule for May
- Share your top 5 books of the current topic– these can be books that you want to read, have read and loved, have read and hated, you can do it any way you want.
- Tag the original post (This one!)
- Tag 5 people
The Saturday Top Five Schedule for May:
5/2/20 — Retellings
5/9/20 — Books with a Number in the Title
5/16/20 — Books by Debut Authors
5/23/20 — Books about Plants/Flowers (Can be on cover, in title or plot)
5/30/20 — Books from a Male POV
Best Books With Numbers In The Title*
Shock and awe! The asterisk is not because I’m breaking any rules! I’m behaving. It is because I have read and reviewed all but one of the books in today’s list! I’ll save my prediction book for last. 1-4 Will not be in any particular order. Again, since I’ve reviewed the first four books, I will keep it short and sweet (reviews and interviews linked) leaving the fun for #5! Who said 3 is the magic number? Oh yes! That fun song that one of my favorite British bands covered, Embrace.
Quick fun story (road trip, even)– I once camped out with Embrace on the cost of St. Ives… and then attended one of their “secret gigs.” The fourth one, I think. It was in a cave by St. Ives. Also, I had lost my voice flying to London and Danny wanted me to sing along and I couldn’t and I think he thought I was snubbing him and <weeps>. Ah, good times! I promise you there is NO WAY to listen this and not feel a bubble of happiness.
1) Eight Will Fall by Sara Harian
It was my honor to both review Eight Will Fall (Review Link) and interview author Sarah Harian (Linked) prior to publishing! Enjoy!
2) Tenth Girl By Sara Faring
Pssst…. Her new book (I CAN’T WAIT) White Fox is releases September 22- Goodreads link
How I loved this book! Like the above I was thrilled to review the book and interview the mad genius behind it! Here is the review for Tenth Girl and the interview with Sara Faring! Maybe lightning will strike twice in the fall?!
3 and 4) Ninth House and Six of Crows- by Madam Leigh Bardugo
This is a really low quality image. My apologies. BUT hey Leah (go check out her awesome site), one of these copies of Ninth House are YOURS. Don’t fear. It is a horrible photo.
Well you had to see this coming. Or you aren’t paying attention. No. I haven’t “officially” reviewed Six of Crows because it was before this website’s time but do I need to, really? When the lead search on my website for a course of time was “Is Kaz Brekker a sadist,” I think that pretty much says it all. Well that says a lot about more than me and Six of Crows, but another story for another day. If you want to just search Six of Crows or Kaz or whatever there is a rabbit hole of posts talking about both. And if you don’t know – my license plate says Kaz… Now… HERE is my review of Ninth House.
5) One By One- Ruth Ware– Goodreads Link– GO GO GO
I’m already finding the five hours in a day to book out where I can just sit back and let it all go. If you missed it during last year’s Summer Fling? Turn of the Key destroyed me in five hours flat, middle of the day, sitting by a pool. I don’t even think I blinked. Luckily, although I haven’t added my ARC yet, One by One is going to squeeze into this year’s Spring/Summer Fling just barely. It releases on September 8th which is the week of Labor Day. That is the last week of the whole shebang.
Speaking of which, if you were wondering, the next official Spring/Summer Fling 2020 update will be before Memorial Day, just at the end of Spring/start of summer. That seemed seemed fitting.
What are you favorite books with numbers in the titles? Have you read any of the ones in my list?
Great list! I included Six of Crows on mine & Eight will fall & Tenth Girl are both on my TBR ????
Thank you! If you didn’t include Six of Crows I maybe couldn’t speak to you anymore. I know I haven’t read it yet, but I would almost wonder if you should read White Fox first… but I don’t know yet.
Eight Will Fall sounds really interesting! I haven’t heard a lot about it, but everyone seems to say it’s great!
It flew a bit under the radar in November but it is a great read and the magic system is really unique- emotionally based. I hope you get a chance to check it out. If you do- I’d love to see a review!
Lol how did I know that you would include Leigh Bardugo?? Haha I love that you’re such a loyal fan! Great list! I enjoyed several of these books as well. I was surprised to see that YOU of all people are recommending a Ruth Ware book. I have a book of hers and I keep wondering if I should read it and join the bandwagon and to have my fantasy book twin recommend it is surprising and encouraging. I’m not a die hard mystery fan but I do love a good thriller every once and a while!
Speaking of mysteries… I saw that the sequel to the Clue mystery book you got me to read is on Edelweiss and Netgalley. I kinda want to read it like RIGHT NOW. But it doesn’t come out until fall!
Did you forget my first encounter with Ruth Ware during last year’s Summer Fling????! Hahaha! Lord last summer’s fling thrusted me into the Adult Psychology Thriller full tilt. And now? Man they are either amazing or salty as hell. I have a slew of them on this year’s flint’s slate (that post will be updated with a load more ARCs and backlist books by Memorial Day). But there are about 50 on there now.
And yes! I hit the request button and emailed the publisicist for the In the Study with the Wrench the second I saw it LOL! But yes, only Ramdomhouse books can I read whenever I want bc they dont care when I review it. Everyone else I have to wait ????
So I sit and stare at As the Shadow Rises and Court of Lions and weeps….