Two Weeks Flew By!
And what a fantastic two weeks it has been! Starting with Venators: Magic Unleashed, the Write Reads Ultimate Blog Tour has kicked off an extraordinary blog tour. Next up will be book two in Devri Walls’ Venators series, Promises Forged. To celebrate such an amazing response to Magic Unleashed and look ahead to Promised Forged, Walls was kind enough to take some time and discuss some burning questions and topics for us all to enjoy!
Being such an unfiltered and energetic personality, it was all best captured via Youtube! And so I’m proud and honored to present the lovely Devri Walls straight to you, in-person! Without further ado, as they say, sit back and enjoy!
Greast post Susan, I’ve starred the video in my browser to watch tonight!
She is absolutly amazing to watch! I know you will love it!
Nothing quite as embarrassing as hearing the answer to your question is in a book you read 9 months ago…sigh.
If it makes you feel any better? I’ve made much larger blunders 😉