January 11, 2025

Novel Lives

Book Publicity, Book Reviews, And Author Interviews

How Quickly A Week Can Change Things… From Ice to Fire… This First Line Friday… EVERYTHING WILL BURN

From Ice to Fire and this isn't even Game of Thrones.... This week's First Line Friday takes an unintended (I think) nod from Hamilton and .... Burns....

So just one (hopefully) last update on the website for anyone reading this-

    • I do believe the spamming issue? The one where I was even spamming myself? Is over
    • The whole issue where suddenly my twitter/linked in/wordpress etc follow buttons weren’t working? Yeah they work again.
      • When Jetpack emails you and pretty much says GO YOU– Well done <pride. I have pride>
    • This whole thing where my site decided to go whackado and unfollow, follow and then follow some people twice? Yeah. Well the only good thing about that is Jetpack and I realized there were about 37 lovelies subscribed to my old site (along with stats) to my old site that never migrated to the self-hosted site. Not sure how that happened but Jetpack fixed it yesterday. This only affects those 37 people, if after all this they still want to be around. If so:
      • If I lost you completely, well you probably aren’t reading this ? But if you find me again- welcome back!
      • If you were subscribed via email, that will stop unless you redo it.
      • If you were subscribed via the wordpress feeder, you are set and need not do anything unless you want to get email notifications.

With any luck that will be it with this mess…

I will probably past this to the top of the new Spring/Summer Fling post when I update it… just to have it out there one more time.

First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for readers hosted by Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author or its prestige, readers were hooked on a book by the first lines?

Psst I found this at Becky’s Book Blog. Please go check her out!

  • Pick a book off your shelf (it could be a current read, ARC, TBR, favorite read, close your eyes and pick a book) and open to the first page.
  • Copy the first few lines, but don’t give anything else about the book away just yet – you need to hook the reader first.
  • Finally… reveal the book
This week’s First Line Friday is very special to me. I mean, really. they all are special. However, I don’t really talk about this author a lot. He isn’t one many talk about a lot but I dare say if we scanned a lot of bookshelves he would consistently be there and we would all be like- “well yeah, duh.” And when I first heard about the book? Emails started flying and I went running for it like a bat out of hell. His books are always unique and always amazing. You never quite know what you are in for but you always know you are in for something. I know this will be nothing less. 
When it came up for request? I never heard of the imprint. I was sure I was going to get laughed out the door. I mean it is X X afterwards and well, I didn’t even think they gave ARCs of his books. But I hit the button, gave a reason and said a little prayer. And there it was. And there I went… 
Rose Nylund Passes Out

On a cold Sunday evening in early 1957- the very day, in fact, that Dwight David Eisenhower took the oath of office for the second time as President of the United States of America- Sarah Dewhurst waited with her father in the Parking lot of the Chevron gas station for the dragon e’d hired to help on the farm.
“He’s late,” Sarah said, quietly. 
“It,” said her father, spitting on the oiled dirt, hitting the cracks of a frozen puddle. “Don’t call it by its name. Don’t tell it yours. It. Not he.”

Ok! Are you ready?



Burn By Patrick Ness







June 2, 2020


















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