October 2, 2024

Novel Lives

Book Publicity, Book Reviews, And Author Interviews

WWW- In Which Case We Go From Getting Slaughtered For The Better And Worst… And. Salty. I am

From fantastic sequels to the book that wrecked me to the book that just... no. Its WWW time! How is everyone doing out there?

It is Wednesday and that means…

What is WWW Wednesday?

1. What books are you currently reading?

2.What books did you recently finish reading?

3.What books do you plan on reading next?

…WWW World of Words, hosted weekly by Taking on a World of Words.

In Which I Continue To Suck At Goodreads (YEAH I KNOW I AM “READING” FOUR BOOKS AT ONCE RIGHT NOW) and roller coaster through the week.

And yeah. I’m in a mood. It isn’t even book related. It doesn’t matter why. I just am. Better I get it out here or that broken heart and dark soul become something much worse and serious.

Hey look it isn’t my fault one sucked, one was brilliant and one wrecked me for days. In fact I was gonna throw down the gauntlet with the review for Burn Our Bodies Down by Rory Powers except I figured everyone would just think I’d lost what was left of my mind if I let that follow Ink In the Blood. So, I’ll wait a little longer.

And yeah I didn’t “just” finish Deathless Divide. Deal with it. I want the review here. If I have to put All the Tropes Stars and Teeth in then I get to put Deathless Divide. It earned it. PLUS,  and this isn’t even just a knock on All the Stars and Teeth, this is A LOT OF BOOKS. Can we break away from the A/THE _ and _ pattern of book titles? Just a thought.

Some other things- purchase. The word. I mean not like I purchase something. But like having to purchase something? It has been years. Find a synonym Mouths quirking? Again. years.There’s gotta be another way to put it. And I feel like there is something else that just isn’t coming to me at the moment.

What books did you recently finish reading?

Review Coming Tomorrow


Novel reviews Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland, In Its Brilliance, Does The Impossible: Makes Dread Nation Even Better– Review

latest book reviews

All The Stars And Teeth By Adalyn Grace Should Have Been Called All The Tropes And Tropes – Review

I Haven’t Been This Destroyed By A Book Since Six Of Crows/Crooked Kingdom. Ink In The Blood, By Kim Smejkal, Just Defined The Sub-Genre Of Goth Fantasy– Review


What books are you currently reading?

So here’s the thing… I’m not really “READING” four books. Libro was kind enough to happen to have You’re Not Alone as one of their free audio books this month! So yay!

We Unleash the Merciless Storm (We Set the Dark on Fire, #2)

We Unleash the Merciless Storm- Release Date February 25th

The Last Smile in Sunder City

The Last Smile in Sunder City by Luke Arnold Releases- Release Date February 25th

You Are Not Alone- Release Date March 3rd 

Witches of Ash and Ruin

Witches of Ash & Ruin- Release Date March 3rd


What books will you read next:

We Are Blood and Thunder (We Are Blood and Thunder, #1)

Eight Perfect Murders Review

Spindle and Dagger


Welp– That will bring me into March if all goes as plan…. <please book fairies> … and if I can start April early… I might get to some back list books!


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