January 10, 2025

Novel Lives

Book Publicity, Book Reviews, And Author Interviews

First Line Friday Is Dedicated To Mom – Because. Memory. It Is Weak With This One

Don't judge a book by it's cover! So I'm going to try and get readers hooked by the books first few lines in this week's first line Friday. This week it is dedicated to my mother... Because. Memory. It is weak with this one.

True Story:

Me: Mom, you’ll love Ragnarok- No. Seriously. Trust me.

Mom: <15 minutes in> Shit. This is a really good movie. 

Me: Told you.

Me: <After Ragnarok>: Let’s watch Infinity War – I’ll have to stop it 4000 times to explain a bunch of time but you love Robert Downy, Jr. AND now you want to see what happens to Thor… so yes. Let’s watch Infinity War.

Mom: Fine. 

Mom: <15 Minutes into Infinity War> They are gonna have to blow that stone out of Vision’s head, aren’t they?

Image result for vision infinity stone we don't trade lives"


Me: Pauses movie and stares at mom…

Image result for what the voodoo meme"

Mom: What? Why are you staring at me like that? I just said something really stupid, didn’t I?

Me: No. You just nailed the central question of the entire of the movie. 


Image result for proud of myself meme"

THE VERY NEXT DAY- My brother and I are in my brother’s kitchen (which NEVER happens)- Mom is upstairs with his son

Me: David, why are you worried about mom’s memory and general cognitive capabilities– < go on to explain the day before>… I don’t get the problem. I mean when we talk about the Walking Dead on the phone she’s fine.

David: MOM! Come in here please? <Mom comes down to the kitchen>

David: Susan said you really liked Ragnarok and Infinity War. Said you nailed the whole getting the mind stone out of Vision’s head thing. 


Image result for confused meme"

Mom: I loved Ragnarok and I am not a big fan of those kind of movies… it was hysterical. Infinity War was ok but it was hard to follow. I had no clue what was going on.


Image result for Get the fuck out meme"

(not literally- on the inside and in my death stare to David)


Mom: Shrugs and goes back upstairs

David: By the way, I also took her to see Black Panther because the actress from the Walking Dead was in it. Did she mention that?



David: I rest my case.

Me: <as he walks away> You  know this is why I only come around every once in awhile.

David: It is also why she’s going to end up living with you because my wife hates her.


Image result for i can't even"

With this in mind… This week’s First Line Friday is dedicated to my mother and I hope you enjoyed that little true exchange. Mom is coming to visit in March. There is much to come!

Also, for clarification we don’t take mom’s memory issues lightly. She has since seen a specialist and is on medication that seems to be helping quite a bit.

First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for readers hosted by Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author or its prestige, readers were hooked on a book by the first lines?

Psst I found this at Becky’s Book Blog. Please go check her out!

  • Pick a book off your shelf (it could be a current read, ARC, TBR, favorite read, close your eyes and pick a book) and open to the first page.
  • Copy the first few lines, but don’t give anything else about the book away just yet – you need to hook the reader first.
  • Finally… reveal the book

At my trial for treason for killing the king, I played with my father’s ring, twisting it around my middle finger. It was one of the few things they hadn’t taken away from me when I was arrested. Maybe because they knew it was my father’s last gift to me…or maybe because no one cared about an old ring. Despite wearing it for the the past ten years, first on a chain around my neck and then on my middle finger when I was finally big enough, I never understood why my father gave it to me before his execution for murdering the nine-year-old prince. 
My father gave my sister our mother’s red scarf, the one she wore every day before the incident that claimed her memories.

Ok! Are you ready?

First Line Friday






May 2020










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