The Saturday Top Five Schedule for January
1/4/20 — Funny Books
1/11/20 — Books Over 5 years old
1/18/20 — Unreliable Narrators
1/25/10 — Books by Favorite Authors
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Saturday Top Five Four – Books That Literally Made Me LOL
I can appreciate anything that makes me laugh. If there is one thing my life needs on a regular basis is more funny (as you can tell by the four not five in this list). And like most things, it tends to fall into three extreme categories: 1) Utter Absurd/Deadpan 2) Sarcastic 3) Twisted…. oh and 4) Completely Bonkers.
So I thought I would mesh up books with fun non-bookish examples! Let’s laugh!
Oh. And I promise Verify is not on this list. That wasn’t funny.
Example A: Utter Absurdity /Deadpan
1) Not all of Game of Thrones falls under this, obviously.
2) Different parts of Game of Thrones could fall under each parts of these categories
3) This specific scene will forever be one of my favorite moments of the entire show. It just will. The whole thing is perfectly timed, acted and well done. And it is also a perfect example of comic absurdity. It is also the best reference point I can find for the overall tone of the book below.
EXTREME CAUTION: I’m not comparing said book to Game of Thrones in any way shape or form. They are two completely different things. I’m comparing the tone of this scene to the tone of this book. That is all.
Fate of the Fallen by Kel Kade
You had to see this coming somewhere in this post. I just never saw this coming and I have now asked two different authors, a publicist and a multitude of bookish friends to help me track down more books in this wheelhouse until the next installment comes out. BECAUSE I NEED MORE. My review is linked. The best examples I absolutely cannot provide because of spoilers but I try my best to find others. They pale in comparison but I do my best. Just remember the horse named dolt that refuses to make a left hand turn. And check out my review… I did my best there too.
“Where’s <Ruriton>?” said Mory.
“Pretty much due south,” said Peck, pointing down the road. “Should I draw you a map?”
Mory shrugged. “I wouldn’t know how to read it.”
Peck grinned and ruffled Mory’s shaggy mane. “That’s okay. I wouldn’t know how to draw it.”
Exhibit B: Completely Bonkers
In The Hall With The Knife By Diana Peterfreund
My review and Q and A with Diana Peterfreund is linked above. This was one of my most anticipated reads last year. The MG/YA spin-off series of Clue made me completely geek out! And for those walking into the read looking for exactly what it promised? That is exactly what you got! I cannot wait for what Ms. Peterfreund has in store for all of us in the next installment!
“… to make sure there is nobody here.”
“But there is a body here. In the conservatory.”
Scarlett rolled her eyes.
“All clear up there unless,” Finn said. ” Unless you think they were murdered by a mannequin.”
Mustard did not.
Exhibit C: Sarcastic
Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom
This is not my image and I don’t know where it came from but if anyone does, please let me know who to credit.
I figure this is going to be one of those times I’m either going to find out it is “just me,” and my brain is just that broke, or that I’m not alone in my insanity. Either way, there were a staggering amount of moments the first time I read SOC/CK that made me cackle and still do, even on the millionth listen.
There are the classics, like my ghost won’t associate with your ghosts… but let’s see…
“We need to bury them,” Nina said.
“The ground’s too hard, and we don’t have the time. The Shu team is still moving toward Djerholm. We don’t know how many other Grisha they may have, and Pekka’s team could already be inside.”
“We can’t just leave them for the wolves,” she said, her throat tight.
“Do you want to build them a pyre?”
“Go to hell, Brekker.”
“Do your job, Zenik,” he shot back. “I didn’t bring you to Fjerda to perform funeral rites.”
She lifted her hands. “How about I crack your skull open like a robin’s egg?”
“You don’t want a look at what’s inside my head, Nina dear.”
Yeah. I know. I’m a sick puppy.
Exhibit D: Dark and Twisty
I miss Weeds. That is all.
But I’m going to go comic book on this one. Except I’m going to clip the TV show because, Klaus just stole the show. He was never my favorite from the comics. Don’t get me wrong, I loved him. But #2/Diego was always my favorite from the Umbrella Academy. Then Netflix happened. And Robert Sheehan happened. And boom. A star was born. Dark and twisted humor has a new face.
Umbrella Academy is the best… Season 2’s got to be out soon right???
Also SOC is full of so much sass, sarcasm and witty banter I just can’t… but I love my little dregs so much! Great choices.
Thank you for not making me feel alone in SOC/CK making me cackle!
They are working on it, from what I understand. I can’t remember what the estimated time it’ll come out although I feel like we’ve had this conversation on another post on your site? LOL And yet I can’t remember what I even said. What even is that??!
I think we have… I was just hoping we’d have a date by this time ????????????
Wait, wait, wait…did you say YA/MG spin off series of Clue? I need this in my life.
Also, I miss Weeds too!
Yes, yes I did! In the Hall with the Knife!!! 🙂 LOVE! I squealed when I first saw it on EW and then harassed Amulet into sending it with me so much they accidentally sent me two :/ lol
I know, right? I need Weeds back. Sadness.
Duckett and Dyer Dicks for Hire cracked me up.
Adding to the TBR! I cant imagine anything called Dyer Dicks for Hire not being anything but hysterical!
OMG sooo glad to hear that Fate of the Fallen is funny! I must read it asap then! I also need more funny books in my life. Honestly you should check out Kill the Farm Boy, it’s kinda outrageously hilarious. It’s like a parody on fantasy quests… everything seems to go wrong and it just succeeded at being endlessly entertaining.
I’m on the lookout for books full of witty banter! I can NOT get enough witty banter. I have been enjoying the Mistborn era 2 series (you got me book 1 for my birthday) as the main characters Wax and Wayne are endlessly poking fun at each other and the series is just so much fun to read.
Kill the Farm Boy is going on the TBR! Hope you are doing well!
Omg you would love it I already know. I just picked up the sequel so I’m hype
I love Six of Crows. The amount of time I laughed out loud while reading it. The last book that made me lol is probably Aurora Risings. The dynamic of Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff is as usual amazing
Oh Jay Kristoff as you continue to haunt me and everyone continued to remind me that you haunt me. ???? I saw Aurora Burning and smacked my forehead so hard my eyes rolled back. But I did buy Nevernight! I will read it damn it!