November 8, 2024

Novel Lives

Book Publicity, Book Reviews, And Author Interviews

This Week’s WWW – Dedicated To Gomez So Maybe He’ll Start Talking To Me?

Well I was going to make this celebratory till I woke up with my loving, since day 1 mascot (well one of 3- well 2 now, since Liam became Pavel and Gomez's agent) giving me resting bitch face. Ignoring me. Not talking to me. You know I have feelings too, Gomez. It is for your own good. You think I want you to die of heart disease??? You think I... uh. sorry....

It is Wednesday and that means…

What is WWW Wednesday?

1. What books are you currently reading?

2.What books did you recently finish reading?

3.What books do you plan on reading next?

…WWW World of Words, hosted weekly by Taking on a World of Words.

In Which I Continue To Suck At Goodreads Disclaimer

It is Wednesday… and so disclaimer. Although, in my defense… I didn’t actually JUST finish Lady Hotspur. I mean I did, but I had started the book a while ago and put it down… and started reading it again… and almost DNFd it, but was like 80% through reading it. At that point even I, who will DNF a book (there is a rant about judging the DNF coming), figured let me finish it, so I can review it (I mean because it wasn’t going to end up on the level of Verify, lord knows).

In Which I Continue To Suck At Goodreads Disclaimer

Look don’t even deny it. Whether Liam is just that good of an agent or I’m just not cool, or more than likely- a combination of both? I already know you love the three stooges more than I do. I could hold a book festival for adult and young adult authors that gives away every book they ever wrote and half the people would show up, in compared to a festival where Pavel, Gomez and Liam just stood there.

Let me not circle the airport. Gomez is fat. Like tub o’ lard, jabba the hut fat. I’m not even being mean. The vet had been telling me. I just didn’t want to believe it. And anyway, as most of you know, while I was fighting for SSDI for almost two years, there wasn’t exactly an abundance of food going around. Yes, I didn’t eat some days just to make sure the four of us stayed together, and kept the roof over our heads. And yes they ate everyday. But he couldn’t have gained weight?

Apparently. He did.

Before you call me mean:

Gomez came home with ringworm. Gomez proceeded to give Liam and Pavel ringworm. And then me. Let’s not ever talk about that three months of my life.

At six months old Gomez threw a blood clot that by all accounts should have killed him. The emergency vet in Chicago thought he had a stroke. NOPE. And then sent me to Buffalo Grove where he had a… I always forget what its called- but one of those 3D imagings of the heart. POINT IN FACT: I’ve never had one of those. At which point he was diagnosed with an enlarged heart chamber and murmur.

At two years old, Gomez was diagnosed with advanced oral feline lesions. Now, this isn’t uncommon. Most cats go through it, lose a couple of teeth and go on. Gomez went through it, they took a couple of teeth and six months later? IT CAME ROARING BACK.

Short story: The gum breaks down the tooth and reabsorbs it. So, at two years old Gomez had to be put on a respirator for like 10-12 hours and have ALL HIS TEETH TAKEN OUT. I was given fair warning that with his current health issues, he might not make it. But better now than later, if he has a shot at all. Oh he made it. Three Grand later. He made it. Came home on ALL THE DRUGS. I didn’t get any drugs. I WANTED ALL THE DRUGS. And then walked around that apartment in St. Louis high as a kite for like weeks.

And if you are filled with questions about how a toothless cat (he’s 7 now) becomes fat?! LORD KNOWS I DID. Yeah. Well the vet said his gums would harden over and he’d eat dry food like normal and he does. I don’t and never have given them table food. Rarely give them treats (and its organic frozen dried fish when I can afford it). And if you want more information on that: FOL

BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE:  At I don’t know, fourish? He started sneezing like a maniac. Well wait let me back THAT up…. I didn’t know what the mess he was doing and flew him to the vet because I actually thought he was having an asthma attack. And the vet laughed at me. Fair play, I suppose. Since she’s seen him through everything else and was frightened at what the hell was coming next. And when she told me he had sinusitis (ha! just like his mom) I laughed too. Her laughing, initially? That wasn’t funny. Anyhow. Can’t give him a steroid because of his heart NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So like me… it comes and goes except the times it advances to an actual infection. Other times it is like living in Jurassic Park.

BUT here’s the thing-

that is when she started telling me he was fat. No. Can’t be, I said. He’s a Maine Coon. They don’t get fat. He has no teeth. That isn’t possible. He only eats dry food that is like the best made imported cat food in the world. No wet food. No table food. NOTHING. AND he weighs less than Pavel. And you never said Pavel was fat.

Well. He is, she said. He’s shorter and stocker than Pavel. Pavel has a much larger frame. Pavel can hold his weight. Gomez is fat. And with his heart, he needs to lose weight.

Well I wasn’t hearing it. And I stormed out. Until. When I one my SSDI, got my back check and did I go to the DR? NOPE. I still didn’t have health insurance. Just got that a week ago thanks to El Paso County having a heart unlike the entirety of Missouri. But they did. Straight to the groomer and the vet. And well here we go again. He’s fat. The other two fools? Well let’s not jinx anything- well Pavel was ok until… FLOPPY EAR and the whole heart disease scare.


And so he’s pissed at me. And I’m sad. But I would be sadder if he gets sick. 🙁 And that is the story, morning glory. Liam, shark that he is, is cooperating to the fullest extent that he can because Gomez is his hottest commodity. Not that Pavel isn’t oh so adorable with the floppy ear and hanging tongue. But Gomez is this site… so yeah. Liam is on me the second I almost cave. I never saw him taking to this whole agent role. That cat is possessed.

And with that detour… here is what is happening in my actual reading life this week…

What books did you recently finish reading?


Lady Hotspur Book Review

All The Expectations. All The Ingredients. All The Disappointment. Lady Hotspur by Tessa Gratton Out 1/7- Review

Chosen Book Cover

Chosen (Slayer #2) By Kiersten White Out January 7th, 2020– Review Coming

Burn the Dark Book Cover

Burn the Dark By S.A. Hunt (Malus Domestica #1) Out January 14th, 2020 -Review and Author Interview Coming Closer to Release

Seven Deadly Shadows Book Cover

Seven Deadly Shadows by Courtney Alameda and Valynne E. Maetani Out January 28, 2020 – Review and Interviews Coming Closer to Release

More interview information to come… 

What books are you currently reading?

Kings Questioner Book Cover

The King’s Questioner By Nikki Katz Out January 14, 2020

Infinity Son book Cover

Infinity Son by Adam Silvera out January 14, 2020

Scavenge the Stars Book Cover

Scavenge the Stars out January 7th, 2020

What books will you read next:

Beyond the Shadowed Earth

Beyond the Shadowed Earth (Beyond the Haunting Sea #2)- Release Date January 14, 2020 

Wardens of Eternity

Wardens of Eternity by Courtney Moulton- Release Date: 1/21/2020

A Queen in Hiding (The Nine Realms, #1)

A Queen in Hiding Out: Release Date January 21, 2020 


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