January 11, 2025

Novel Lives

Book Publicity, Book Reviews, And Author Interviews

Happy Walking Dead Season 10 Day- Not-Wrap-Up Post. The Walking Dead Is What I Will Be By Moving Day- BTW.

Walking Dead Season 10

For the record, I have only been watching live since Glenn got his brains got bashed in by Negan (aka Jeffrey Dean Morgan aka Denny from Grey’s Anatomy- HOW THE HELL do you go from Denny to Negan… that still blows my mind). Then again I’m sure Harry Potter fans are wondering how the actor from the prequels ended up on The Walking Dead, too.
My mom cornered me after a series of three surgeries and force fed me, what was it at that point? Six seasons of the Walking Dead during recovery? By the time I could leave my apartment- I was, no joke looking for zombies. Anyhow- it is now a weekly bonding experience. And so here is the first few minutes of the opening episode- for mom…

Not-Wrap-Up Weekly Post

This Sunday post meme is hosted  The Caffeinated Book Review who has been following me for like EVER and vice-versa even though we basically run in different lanes completely but its super cool to have had her support all this time. So please go check her out and give her a follow.
Buuuuuut Leelyn at Sometimes Leelynn Reads does a twist on it and that’s more what I’m going to be doing… You should go check her out too, and give her a follow, because well she’s awesome.

I did tell you the whole Walking Dead theme would be back today, right? K.

So my Sunday plan?

First. Here is what I’m NOT doing.

Today. By hell or… actually no…

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And so help me by the hand of pappa Pope I will be the hell and the high water because I AM NOT dealing with the MOVE today.

So WHAT IS MY Sunday plan?

The Guinevere Deception (Camelot Rising…

Don’t even.

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And some writing

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  • Moving


  • Tuesday and Wednesday must be done ahead of time. And I know you didn’t forget about Tuesday, right?

State of the ARC?

I’m still holding but actually and maybe a bit better than I thought. I’m not requesting ARCS at the speed of light, for two reasons. THE MOVE. And just because. I really do want to get to some of my back list and just maybe enjoy some reading books when they just come out. I mean I have more than I thought for November- not October like- but now that I’m moving…

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Next week:
Well one November book will be Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White, then two non-ARCs this week, of course will be Ninth House and Kingdom for a Stage by Leigh Bardugo and Heidi Heilig, respectively. And because of that- I won’t have any  other ARCs posted this week.
But that won’t cause me to fall behind, either. So. Cool. There are a couple November ARCs I might be able to get done in October if the move doesn’t kill me, which would be FANTASTIC SAUCE. We will see.
ARC wise, Gravemaidens by Kelly Coon (Oct 14), LifeStyles of Gods and Monsters by Emily Roberson (look for a review and interview coming up soon), and although it comes out in November, at the end of the month look for a review of Eight Will Fall (and interview with author Sarah Harian)- you know now that I think about it -November is looking ok with some of these moving up into October.

Backlist Arcs


Blog Tour ARCs

Gravemaidens (Gravemaidens, #1)

Gravemaidens by Kelly Coon – Out 10/29

Interview Link

Review- Monday, 10/14

The Athena Protocol

The Athena Protocol by Shamim Sarif – Out 10/8 – Review Link

The Good Luck Girls (The Good Luck Girls, #1)

The Good Luck Girls- Charlotte Nicole Davis –Review Link and Rafflecopter Giveaway

Into the Crooked Place (Into the Crooked Place, #1)

Into the Crooked Place by Alexandra ChristoOut 10/8- Review Link

10/13- Q and A with Alexandra Christo

What Makes Us

What Makes Us By Rafi Mittlefehldt- Out 10/15

Author Interview and Review Posts 10/18

This is not a new addition I forgot it last week, which is odd because I’m completely excited about it- I reached out to Candlewick about the interview and they asked me to work with JeanBookNerd Tours, which have been incredible!

After October– This Section Will No Longer Exist By MY Choice- Except for The Write Reads and Publisher/Author Requests (because I reached out to a publisher/author)

LET ME BE CLEAR: No one has done anything wrong or anything like that- it is just personal preference

Post of the Week

I’ve decided I’m really bad at choosing these… so I’m going to put two because I enjoy doing interviews with authors- because 1) Authors are always super awesome about putting up with my crazy questions and 2) I love supporting them. And them I gonna put a tag- because they are fun!

Gravemaidens Author Kelly Coon May or May Not Have Just Admitted To Being A Vampire While Dishing On Her Debut Novel, Out 10/29, During Our First Blog Tour Stop


This Or That Take Two

Book Haul/Bought/Library ARC Haul:

Bought wise- this will be more fun next week. Because. Tuesday. As for ARCs. This was a really interesting week.

So… yesterday. I got mail from St. Martin’s Press. I got a book. I didn’t ask for it. It might be the first time I ever got an unsolicited ARC ever, which hey CELEBRATE! Cool. The odd thing was- it was the second book in a series I’ve never heard of, which means- I don’t have the first book?

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This is said book:

I have very respectfully and kindly emailed the publisher for guidance.

Moving on to something that makes a whole lot more sense! There were a few ARCs that were denied to me by MacMillan that made me like…
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Not that I’m pandering to publishers or anything– but I don’t remember doing anything to specifically put me in the doghouse, either. So it just didn’t make sense to get knocked up side the head over books that were pretty much right up my lane. I was’t asking for hard copies (I’ve kinda decided that is too much pressure, anyway.  I mean if they are offered- I’m not gonna say no- but I’m good with electronic copies now that Kindle has the black screen that saved my insomnia issues)- I was just asking on Edelweiss.
ANYWHO- those denials were overturned! YAY! So I have:

February 2020

February 2020

March 2020

Deal With the Devil by Kit Rocha- May 2020

Also- non MacMillan

March 2020- Harper

February 2020- HMH

(I may have mentioned that already- I Don’t remember)

And I’m already starting to get itchy about January and February- I’m seriously slowing down with ARCs. I have a couple bookmarked but I’m waiting on them. Also I know there is something I’m eyeing for April… other than Mark Lawrence- but apparently another HUGE author that IS a favorite of mine is starting a series- and I’m already hounding about it.

Personal Updates:

Gomez is fat. Let’s break this down.

  • I haven’t had food for the past 18 months, well until last month.
  • He has no teeth (since he was 2- and he’s 6)
  • All he eats is his dry food.
  • OH! And he is a purebred Maine Coon (he’s been shaved if you are wondering where his coat is- after 18 months of what we’ve been through they ALL got shaved) Hell. I need to be shaved.
  • And yet he’s fat.


Now this would all be cute that he’s my love of tubo lard except he has an enlarged heart chamber. So when I am settled in Colorado I need to figure out how to fix his weight without Liam losing weight because he is on the small side for his breed and 11 years-old. So, I can’t have him dropping weight.
Next For those that don’t know- I’m MOVING… and in of course, the opposite of what I thought would happen- the apartment finding was the easy part (never saw THAT COMING). It is the move itself that is proving to be twice as expensive and twice as difficult as I ever expected. And so… it is going be the death of me. But yeah. By Halloween I will be out of St. Louis and in Colorado Springs. So as I said before, it’ll be all I can do to keep my piece of the world going- I beg of you to bare with me.

I’m not ignore people. I’m just trying not to you know….

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How is that even Denny???? Izzy would have a heart attack (pun intended)

Netflix and Chill:

So we’ve established my whole “cable” situation and lack of Netflix until Umbrella Academy Season 2 and/or the GrishaVerse hits- whichever comes first- so tonight I will watch the Walking Dead and John Oliver. That’s it. 

Otherwise of course, fall seasons are ticking along… and I am just not going to be able to watch the NHL until I’ve moved. It just won’t happen, which I would be sad about except apparently between the defense and Jonathan Quick’s surgically destroyed back- he’s basically doing his best impersonation of Dan “Beachball” Cloutier but I don’t care because he impregnated me in 2012 and 2014. And thank god his daughter didn’t choke to death during that press conference.

Copyright the below to Jewels From The Crown

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Final Thoughts/PlayList:

Final thoughts- again I think you have had enough.

Song? Oh there is only one appropriate. One of the most simultaneously obnoxious yet brutally honest and MOST FUN EVER band I have had the opportunity to chase all over the east coast… and the most appropriate song I can think of. I might leave it here for the next damn month.  – Until the actual move- in which case Gomez comes to bat with Get Miles and Airstream Driver.. but of course. 


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