So since Sammie @The Writerly Way <and note I kinda completely ripped off her design so credit to her for that- but I won’t have to do that soon because project x- oh look I dropped a hint for the people playing at home> felt all called out, she felt the need to make ME feel attacked but it is cool.
Because I’m throwing it back on Netgalley (because I think they should know there is a whole tag that they have now inspired) and a few others below— SUCKERS!
However, once this posts- I’m going dark- because if I don’t finish the book I’m currently reading and get said review ready to post before my interview tomorrow hell will rain down on me like the armageddon. Can I blame Trump though? Because how much reading time did I miss watching that fiasco on CNN?
✿ Link back to the tag’s creator: Kourtni at Kourtni Reads
✿ Thank and link back to the person who tagged you.
✿ Answer the questions the best you can.
✿ If you don’t use NetGalley, you can substitute other sites/places you get books!
✿ Tag a few people to do this too!
Not that it will ever happen or anything…
Hell I would be happy if a couple of favorite publishing companies hit the auto approval button… but as radiohead once said…
✿ Leigh Bardugo– You know what’s not cool Netgalley? When you send me some damn bizarro email with Ninth House in it and it let’s me “wish” for it and then NOTHING. And no one else (I can find) gets this bizzaro email. I better not have a virus on my computer.
✿ Neal Shusterman – I love Arc of a Scythe so much that I will forever read anything he writes. <– What Sammie said
✿ Heidi Heilig – But I’ve never actually seen her on NetGalley. So there’s that.
✿ Adam Silvera – See Heidi Heilig
✿ Tiffany Jackson- See Heidi Heilig and Adam Silvera
What makes you want to request a book on NetGalley?
In order of importance:
✿ Synopsis: I don’t care about comp titles. I don’t care what others say about the book. I want to meet the characters. I want their personality, their struggle, their ultimate goal. If that can win me over, I’m all in. <– What Sammie said. I just put it first. PLUS you all know about me and the romance so I try to gauge the level of romance and if it is skimmable or how intricate to the plot it is…
✿ Genre: Look I do many genres- I’ve reviewed everything from contemporary to fiction to thrillers and mystery to paranormal. And I’ve done both YA and Adult. But let’s face facts. YA or Adult? I’m a fantasy whore. AND WHOA NELLY- that came out ALL KINDS OF WRONG. But you know damn well what I meant.
✿ Author: I hesitate to even put this on here- because while yes, the author can drive me to push the request button despite the above- but not knowing the author or even it being an author I haven’t really liked in the past, won’t keep me from requesting a book if it fits A and B.
✿ Hype: This is last because, eh. Sometimes, yes, I can get caught on the hype train. I can admit this- it is hard not to but it rarely very rarely is the ONLY that I hit the request button on a book.
Please note that the COVER has NOTHING to do with me picking a book- hell half the time I request a book the cover hasn’t even been revealed yet LOL…
Feedback Ratio
Do you review every book you read? If not, how do you decide what books to review?
This depends on your definition of review. Yes, I do review every ARC I receive. I do not review every book I receive on my website.
The only MAJOR exception to this is actually on Edelweiss- and that was due to my mother’s major health setback when I had to take a 3 1/2 hiatus from my blog last fall, which is why I don’t really consider my site to be a year old. Outside of that- yes.
Now beyond that- to clarify the above answer that I do review every ARC I receive:
- If I DNF a book- it is clearly stated in my profile and on my website that I do not review it on my site. I don’t think it is fair to the book or author- by definition I did not finish it so how can I properly review it? However, I do let the publisher know on whichever site granted the ARC, or through email if it was sent to me, why I DNFd the book.
- Sometimes (rarely though- I think I can count on one hand) for one odd reason or another I will review a book I finished through the site I received it from only.
- Otherwise, yes I have reviewed every ARC I have received
I just recently- after the Summer Fling hit the 80% mark and am now hovering in the upper 80s and am damn proud. When I returned from my hiatus I was in the 40s. And that pretty much stayed there through the spring and then slowly started creeping up through the summer, hit 80 and then dropped again because of Fall requests and then hit and has stayed since July/August. So note- I returned, fully, in February, and it took six months to get back.
If you could create one badge to display on your blog, what would it be for?
So I basically just want to cut and paste Sammie’s answer here.
I want a dragon badge. And then I want badges that show all the different types of things you are into- like genres and and niches- like Sammie had ideas around dystopia, swords, assassins, then like I was thinking that I’ve figured out I love Gods and Goddesses that battle it out and things inspired by ancient Greece and Ancient Rome… so I would want those, too! And mage and magic system badges and creepy slow roll badges! All those kinds of badges please!
Wish For It
What’s one book that you are absolutely dying to read?
Anyone who has ever read even one post on this blog should already now that this is obviously The Toll by Neal Shusterman. I know I’m not the only broken one lurking around here, and just know that I suffer this wait with all of you, in solidarity. *sobs* -Sammie
2019 NetGalley Challenge
What was the last book you received as an ARC that you reviewed? If you’ve never received one, what’s the last book you reviewed?
If I am understanding this question right, and I think I am? If it is from Netgalley- then that would be:
OK! That is my Netgalley ARC story Morning Glory- Now TAG! You are it!!!!
What are your deep dark Netgalley secrets? How did I do?
And I am back to my current read until I write the review and blog hop tonight!!!
Leisha @literaryLeisha
Mina @StackedReviews
Kitty Marie’s Reading Corner
Kristi @Confessions of a YA Reader
This is fantastic! Definitely going to do this tag. I agree with you so much on the idea of badges for genres, a dragon badge would be so cool to have. Would love to see more badges on Netgalley in general too.
Ok now don’t give me credit because I basically stole that from Sammie lol!
I stole it from Leelynn, who called me a dragon ho, and I just said I needed a badge that I could proudly display that said that. xD Soooo … Leelynn did it? It’s all her fault. xD
Thanks for the tag! Can’t wait to do it????
Thanks for the tag!
I love that you called yourself a fantasy whore. Me too… me too… I know you’re dying to hear back about Ninth House or get an ARC of Toll…
Yeah I think that email was a complete fluke and The Toll is just torturing me from 3 miles away like whatever. It’s cool. Lol
Hey sometimes you just gotta own up to what you are in the world, right? Lol
Hahah right!! I have a FOMO problem with ARCs and I am trash for criminals in fantasy. I’m fine with it lol
Yes! I’ll be that trash with you!!!
I’m good with it. I mean it makes me happy so everyone judging me for reading so much fantasy can stuff it. Or for reading more YA than adult. STUFF IT!
I dont think anyone is judging that lol
People definitely judge that I read YA and not adult. Like “you’re an adult, you’re smarter than that. Why don’t you read books that aren’t for high schoolers?”
I guess I dont have enough interaction with humans outside of blogging to know hahahaha
Like I said… they can stuff it. I don’t need that negativity.