First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for book lovers hosted by Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author or its prestige, we judged it by its opening lines?
Psst I found this at Becky’s Book Blog. Please go check her out!
- Pick a book off your shelf (it could be a current read, ARC, TBR, favorite read, close your eyes and pick a book) and open to the first page.
- Copy the first few lines, but don’t give anything else about the book away just yet – you need to hook the reader first.
- Finally… reveal the book!
Lightning Flashes. For a moment, the nighttime world beyond this dormitory window is as bright as if it were noon. The green hedge that hems in the yard appears, and beyond it, the gray palace wall. Then just as quickly everything’s black again, and I count under my breath.
Five… Thunder rolls across the roof.
Five… The storm is almost here.
Ok are you ready ?????????????
And No I Am Not Even Giving WordPress The Chance To Mess This Up…
Click the link to find out the book and add it on Goodreads!– Yes I’m being a tease this week!
Yay!!! It is going to be a great fall read!
This sounds soo good! Definitely added it to my goodreads ????
That’s a great opening!
I know right!!!
Oooooh! I’ve seen this one around, I like the opening already, haha I thought for a minute you weren’t gonna tell us and I was like ‘noooooo I need to know!’
Hahaha! I’m a tease but I’m not mean!!
That’s a super fun way to think about a book reveal and how we judge books!