February 17, 2025

Novel Lives

Book Publicity, Book Reviews, And Author Interviews

In Which We Hate Authors, Find That Kindles Hurt, Learn About Apocalyptic Pirates, Thank Publishers For ARCs And Say A Happy 20th Anniversary In The Week That Was…

Between the flooded Mississippi threatening to swallow St. Louis alive from rainy season… I mean spring… to summer kicking off with day after day of massive clusters of thunderstorms, I’m really starting to wonder if I’m living in Scotland. While cool to watch from the 29th floor of an apartment building pool, it is also getting to be a bit much. Until it gave me an idea…

Before we kick into the week in review, for those who don’t live on the other side of the proverbial pond (I’d think most who do know of which I speak) there is this lovely band from Scotland that I’ve had the pleasure to meet and even share a few pints that are celebrating the 20th anniversary of their second album. The Man Who kicked their career into hyper drive, along with the song that started it all, Why Does It Always Rain On Me (to which my friends and I used to laugh and yell back, because you live in Scotland, Fran). Obviously, it is also happens to be very fitting of the weather.
With that I give you, Travis. They are nicer than almost anyone I’ve ever met, remembered me every time I’ve ever seen them (even after losing 125lbs) and whose music ranges from just lovely to thought provoking over the many years I’ve listened to them. If you know them raise a pint. If you don’t, go find them- you can thank me later!

This is Why Does it Always Rain on Me? From: The Man Who! HAPPY 20th BOYS! And those of you that already know Travis? Please share a link to your favorite video, song or if you have a story- share!

Now onto the actual week in review…

Don’t faint now! But for the second time in a long time the Summer Fling doesn’t have any HUGE updates but if you are looking for a concise place to find the links to what has already posted, and keep up with what is to come- that is the place to go!

With all the fun out of the way, let us get on with the week! Did I tell you once it escalated it wasn’t going to stop? I did and it didn’t! And it won’t. We are coming up on the last week in June already! And other than the fourth of July which will see a couple of fun posts, the Summer Fling is going to storm right into July! #rimshot


Step In The Ring And Get Ready to Spar With Beckoning Shadow Author Katharyn Blair On The Fate of Daenerys Targaryen, Faith, Anxiety and…. ummm… Post-Apocalyptic Pirates?


Ever Had A Kindle Thwack You In The Face? Neither Did I Until I Read Dear Wife by Kimberly S. Belle. I Couldn’t Put It Down Until I Didn’t Realize I’d Fallen Asleep And The Kindle Cracked Me In The Nose… An ARC Review Out June 25th


Because it is Wednesday WWW- Down and Dirty Reading Discussion!


Time For The Woman Who Started It All- Spin The Dawn Author Elizabeth Lim Was The First To Agree To A Q and A- All I Can Say To Ms. Lim Is Thank You. To Everyone Else- Enjoy. Spin The Dawn Releases 7/9


Readers Often Hate Authors. Admit It. We Do. It Is Ok. I Have Your Back On This One. In 19th Bladesman, The First Book Of The Shadow Sword Series By S.J. Hartland, She Proves Why


An ARC Book Tag- Stepping Back to be Grateful And Remembering Not Everyone Has Access To Request Let Alone Receive Advance Readers Copies (ARCs)

And Just a little reminder that the pictures with this tag were just for fun- no connection to the tag

Reminder-  You  now have a general idea of how things are going to run. Q and A run one week and interview the next week- that is BASICALLY how this will go all summer. There will be exceptions of course, especially with blog tours and those books that are apart of a series (things come up, the holiday is going to interrupt the flow for a couple of series) and the few that aren’t tied to anything. 

Now that the Concord has taken flight… let’s see what is on the agenda for the last week in June, shall we?

This Week: Like last week, we are kicking things off right with the review of Katharyn Blair’s debut: The Beckoning Shadow! Tuesday is definitely no slouch! Novel Lives will be visited by Ms. Rory Power, author of Wilder Girls via a Q and A. Thursday, we keep marching along with the review of Elizabeth Lim’s Spin the Dawn and Friday we get to wrap up the week with the Q and A with Ms. S.J. Hartland, author of 19th Bladesman and forthcoming Last Seer King.


(The irony of thunder cracking just now is not lost on me).

Image result for faint gif Rose Nylund


#2 take it away… 

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