February 17, 2025

Novel Lives

Book Publicity, Book Reviews, And Author Interviews

Novel Lives Continues Along With A Thrilling Week! Long Awaited News from the Storyman With Cover Reveal of The Troll! And Today An Era Ends With Game of Thrones- Here's The Weekly Round-UP.

This week’s video and stills will pay homage in both a serious, and humorous light to an end of an era, as Game of Thrones comes to an end tonight. I know not everyone has been happy with this season but that isn’t the point of my tribute. Love or hate how the final seasons has come about, and let’s face it, we all knew it wasn’t meant to please everyone. This is the end of a spectacular error.

I will NOT forget. For so many reason. Because Kaz said we are all someone’s monster. Because someone out there believes I am not a monster and that has saved me. 

Gods old and new. How hard is it to pick Tyrion’s best scene? But I have go with the consensus. The Golden Globe winning, Emmy winning epic confession of not killing King Joffrey but wishing he had killed not just him, but the whole of Kings Landing.

Ok how about some fun… and I can’t promise that if you don’t watch the Walking Dead some of this might not be lost on you… but they love so much to troll each other…

Image result for funny game of thrones memesImage result for funny game of thrones memes


Image result for funny game of thrones memesImage result for another one bites the dust season 8 game of thrones memes


Image result for game of thrones walking dead memes

Image result for game of thrones walking dead memes

Image result for game of thrones walking dead memes
And with all that being said. I will always believe in what Danny said to Tyrion long ago. I don’t think it was said for no reason. And if it isn’t Danny that will fulfill this fate, I believe that someone will. I believe, in our current reality, someone will step-up and do the same. So in these dark times… always remember:

Some housekeeping keeping before I go into the review for this week:

The Summer Fling has been updated … keep your eye out as I am working on more special features (one major update that has already happen is the addition of a Q and A with the author of the Chosen and a Blog Tour for the Gossamer Mage) that might cause further updates to keep ramping it up. Thanks to Katharyn Blair, author of The Beckoning Shadow (she keeps wanting to pin this on me, but I SWEAR, it was her nod that did it), we have an official name- the Summer fling!

Speaking of which- thank you to the @the_writereads, all the authors and publishers for their AMAZING support throughout the building of this incredible Summer Fling event. I can’t thank you all enough. But I will be ALL SUMMER LONG! You are incredible!!!!!

SO OF COURSE- I WANT TO KNOW- what do you think? LIKE IT? LOVE IT? Have you own ideas? Please tell me! Nothing is ever set in stone and this is too amazing to pass up! I want everyone involved!

ALSO- Today is my second day of full on certification training to become a lifeguard. PRAY, light candles, voodoo or whatever it is you believe in but send it your way. I am in more pain then I can tell you, will have bruises for weeks and have more tests to pass then I can shake a stick at.  Mercy.  But it is VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT.  

SO, please all the vibes you can— love you for it! And that is why I’ve been incognito today and will be most of tomorrow- but will respond till I fall asleep today and catch-up  on the rest tomorrow!




Candle in the Flame Review- Published May 21s




Tuesday Top Ten- Brilliant Books that Deserve the Red Carpet Treatment



Because it is Wednesday. WWW- Down and Dirty Reading Discussion- updated from original!

** Yes I posted this Wednesday and then I had to go back and to completely change it -_-*


Missing, Presumed Dead Arc Review- Published May 21




First Line Friday- In Which a Character is in, Well- A Predicament- Do you Know Who? What Book? Let’s See…


Magical Heists Characters to Love and Political Intrigue Fill Illusion of Thieves- ARC Review- Out May 21


I’m Broke. Neal Shusterman Reveals Cover and Excerpt of The Toll (Arc of a Scythe Book 3) via Entertainment Weekly and I’m Broke.


THE REST OF MAY!- Two weeks to be exact- Mercy!

Week of May – 24th Special Golden Girls Tag Created by yours truly (if you have any other tags centered around TV Shows/movies/bands- that I know well enough to do so- please SUGGEST AWAY), Friday, 24th- Video Q and A with Author Devri Walls of  Venator Series – First Line Friday be delayed till Friday, the 30th. You can find two previous reviews at: Venators: Magic Unleashed  and Venators: Promises Forged. The latter’s comment section was where we were treated to Ms. Walls and her publisher joining the conversation. The wonderful dialogue inspired this interview this interview and it was EVERYTHING!


Week of May 30th-  A  Q and A with Author of The Chosen, Taran Matharu, and Review  (Out June 4th), 19th Bladesman and the return of First Line Friday. There may also be some TBR or early non-featured/embargoed ARC reviews.


AND THIS BRINGS US INTO early June and MANY SURPRISES AND CHOICES (wow it has been so long since I have had choices!)- unless of course there are still changes to come which would neither surprise me and I would so welcome!!!!

#2 take it away…

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