It is Wednesday and that means WWW World of Words, hosted weekly by Taking on a World of Words.
What is WWW Wednesday? You just answer three simple questions to discuss your current reading life:
- What are you currently reading?
- What did you recently finish reading?
- What do you plan on reading next?
As a spin, I would love it if everyone responded below with what is happening in your reading lives!
What did you recently finish reading?
Two weeks ago I linked back to recent book reviews. This week I’m going to switch it up and tell you about two upcoming reviews! I just finished reading two books with reviews posted this week.
Nation of the Beast by Mariana Palova was released yesterday.
Highly Anticipated Heroine by Mindy McGinnis releases on 3/12.
What are you currently reading?
What are you reading next?
Ok phew! I showed you mine!! Now you show me yours!!
Oooo I’m a big fan of that Heroine cover ! I just finished forest therapy and I’m currently reading Alan Turing: the enigma and sula by Toni Morrison. No idea what I’ll read next tho!
I love Toni Morrison!!! I read a lot of her stuff while I was working in Barnes and Noble when I was in College. I should revisit some of her work. Heroine is incredible. I highly suggest picking it up when it comes out. It is very poignant with the current opioid crisis.
I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ll think of The Wicked Saints, it’s been on my TBR for a while – the setting seems very interesting.
But I’m still so tired from uni that I have barely read this week D: And still need to catch up on writing reviews of books I finished a while ago.
Ahhhhhh I feel your pain. My fictional reading life came to a grinding halt when I was in college and grad school. It sucked. The only advice I can give you when I look back is that you need to take some time for yourself. Taking a break from non-fiction content reading/writing to escape will make your college work stronger. I wish I had done more of it when I was in college.
As for Wicked Saints? I agree. I can’t wait to dive in! It seems to be quite the divisive quandary of a book. People absolutely love it or hate it. So I am super curious.
I loved reading Wicked Saints! I’m so glad to see it on your TBR.
I can’t wait to see what side of the fence I fall on!
I just finished The Black Dagger Brotherhood: Insider’s Guide and I’m on to BDB: Lover Avenged. I might take a break from this series, though, because I just got We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia and I’m so excited for it!
You wouldn’t regret it. The book is incredible!!!
I don’t doubt it! I read her short story in Toil and Trouble and she’s amazing!
You are currently reading 2 of my most anticipated reads!! I can’t wait to read those!! Unfortunately I don’t have ARCs of either. However, I AM currently reading one of your next reads….Wicked Saints! Enjoy! =]
Let me know what you think of Wicked Saints. Everyone seems to hate it or love it! I can’t wait to see what side of the fence I fall on! To Best the Boys has been everything I hoped… Sky Without Stars is my first “opera” so I’m still feeling my way around… not a bad thing just new genre for me.
Ooh, these look pretty great!
I just posted my review for Heroine… is INCREDIBLE… To Best the Boys is living up to the hype… Sky without Stars is a new genre for me and I’m trying SO HARD to adapt.