Hello! Today’s post is the Currently Reading tag although I was not actually tagged. It was a post I mentioned in one of my weekly wrap-ups. I thought it was a fun spin on the what I’m reading Wednesday posts. I originally saw it on Colleen’s Conclusions and she said that according to where she originally found it, it was originally created on YouTube by Charly Reynhorse(phew)!
How Many Books Do You Usually Read At Once?
I don’t read more than one book at a time (unless you count audible “rereads” which I sometimes fall asleep to). However, I also read pretty quickly. If I read more than one book at a time, at the rate I read, I wouldn’t be able to absorb it all. I think the only time I’ve stopped one book to pick up another is if I’ve had an ARC dropped in my lap right before its publishing date and/or if it was an attempt to go back to a book I was about to DNF (did not finish).
Do You Ever Switch Bookmarks While You’re Partway Through a Book?
I’m so OCD I tend to not stop until I either am at the end of a chapter, part or place where the author has put a mark to end something. Otherwise, no I don’t change bookmarks (if I’m using one). I am reading many ebooks due to ARCs and the laptop/app takes care of marking where I am. Right now I have a Justice League bookmark that isn’t going anywhere for a long time :).
Where Do You Keep The Book(s) You Are Currently Reading?
I have bookshelves but most of my books are ebooks right now due to all the ARCs lol. Otherwise my books, library books and ARCs that are sent to me are in my bookshelves until they are donated to the library.
What Time of Day Do You Spend The Most Time Reading?
The daytime unless I can’t sleep which is more than I care to admit than it is what I do during the night.
How Long Do You Typically Read in One Sitting?
That depends on the book. If it is a book that I can’t put down I will literally not put it down!
Do You Read Hardbacks With The Dusk Jacket On or Off?
No unless I’m near water. If it is a library book and they haven’t glued it on I will take it off but sometimes they put it on in away that doesn’t allow me to take it off which will make me very nervous. I’m a good library patron! I don’t like to cause any damage.
What Position Do You Mainly Use To Read?
Sitting/Laying down. If I’m outside, whatever is comfortable depending on the surface and weather.
Do You Take The Book You Are Currently Reading Everywhere You Go?
Depends on what I’m doing but most likely. If I’m reading an ebook I’ve been known to take my laptop biking, which people think is crazy. I have insurance on it, though. I’ve found amazing spots to sit and read for hours.
How Often Do You Update Your Goodreads Progress On The Book You’re Currently Reading?
I’m horrible at remembering to do that except for certain books that something gnaws at me and if I don’t get it out I will burst. In that case I will jump on good reads and/or twitter to put it out there.
To quote Colleen…
“I tag….. whoever wants to do this book tag! I wasn’t officially tagged in this so I thought whoever wanted to can do this one.”
I usually read 3-6 books at once! Otherwise I guess I would never be able to keep up with my ARC schedule. And I’d get bored of books, I feel. It’s kind of like changing the TV channel for me.
I end up sleeping during the night a lot because I can’t sleep.
That’s incredible. I couldn’t engross myself in a book if I couldn’t stick with it and just it. I have had one book (an arc that isn’t published till October) interrupted twice now because of last minute arcs dropped in my lap and that’s killing me. But the arcs dropped on me are good ones lol