I don't know about everyone else's week… just speaking for myself here.
It truly has been a novel week! A record-breaking week! Publishers and authors have recognized reviews, discussed them on twitter, followed me (on twitter- no restraining orders needed and last I checked I was still Tiffany Jackson’s bodyguard on call), and I’m really proud to say that my post on ADD: A Plea to Publishers for Hard Copy ARCs is making a difference! I am planning a round-up of publishers making a difference in the next couple weeks (some are still working out logistics and I don’t want to leave them out).
Plus, there’s been a record number of:
- Posts
- Views
- Visitors
- Highest numbers of views in one day EVER on August 22nd (and once I learn exactly how many it was- although I believe it was over 200 – I will confirm)!
- Lastly after being up and running since just July 17th (and on WordPress for approximately 10 days)- we are eight away from 50 blog (WordPress etc…) followers
- Including our email followers? We are already over 50
- Including Twitter- We are over 2000 followers (but I still don’t think that’s really a fair stat to use but it is there)!
Thank you for making this such an incredible week! And the killer part? We are not even rolling but I’ll get to that in a minute. Want to know what you missed out on this week? Here you go:
- Sunday: Stacking the Shelves
- Tuesday: Review of Heartbreaker by Claudia Dey
- Wednesday: Review of Rule by Ellen Goodlett
- Thursday: Recognizing Excellence in Art & Literary Magazines (REALM) for NCTE: An Honor to Judge
- Friday: Friday Feelings, Thanks, and Explanations
What I'm reading, What I've acquired and What's coming 'atcha:
#amreading #amwriting
Get ready with your Pumpkin everything, coziest throw blankets, fall sweaters and outdoor reading spots because the fall is going to be rocking and rolling with new releases. Yes, there are still a few summer releases to come in August and September has some barn burners but October is going to start an Avalanche of epic proportions. I’m going to break down next week, September and October (along with a new feature or two I’m marinating in my head)
New Features
- I’m not going to out my possible partner in crime buuuuuuuuuuut… I’m very close to working out a buddy read of Thunderhead (I’ve already read it but am thrilled to read it again but have never done a buddy read via blogging so am glad for the buffer) in preparation for the third book in the Scythe series… that is as soon as Mr. Storyman announces the release date <taps foot impatiently… then stops do to Fear of Being Gleaned or FOBG>
- I am going to start reviewing non-arcs. There are so many wonderful books out there I haven’t yet read that I’m dying to read. It may be a hot minute with all the ARCs waiting for my love and attention, but it is coming!
- More discussion posts! Like Stack the Shelves, I hope to continue to participate in traditions like WOW- What did you just read, what are you reading, what do you think you’ll read next? It has been such an incredible way to connect with everyone. It has filled me with such joy. I truly hope to do more of these and tag posts! If I don’t get tagged I might create my own and just start tagging people myself
This coming week in reviews (I’m only giving titles, authors, release date, publisher, and intended audience- no spoilers or even genres)!!!! Not that you can’t google- but that’s up to you! Assume all are ARCs unless otherwise stated
PSA: Always subject to last minute changes due to the whimsey of …well life… and not necessarily in this order except Sacrifice Box because it is out Tuesday!
- The Sacrifice Box by Martin Stewart
- Penguin Random House
- Released Tuesday, August 28th
- Young Adult
- The Echo Room by Parker Peevyhouse
- Macmillan-Tor/Forge
- Released Tuesday, September 11th
- Young Adult
- The Good Demon by Jimmy Cajoleas
- Amulet/Abrams
- Released Tuesday, September 18th
- Young Adult
- Young Adult
Coming Soon In September and October (by release date and alphabetized by title)
Early/Mid October
As you can see there are A LOT of (bookmarks crossed) amazing books headed for release at the beginning of October, I mean….
That being said, you can expect to start seeing those reviews in September! Assuming I survive and everyone is still with me and we pick up new friends to have a Novel Life with us along the way, in late October releases we have…
Of course the world will.. well, world. I know there are announcements coming and things could shift a bit here and there but that is the basic outline for September through the beginning of October as far as reviews, discussions and new features go. I would LOVVVVVVVVVE to hear what you are most excited about… which books are you most worried won’t live up to the hype? Which will and which are you bleh on that everyone else is super excited to read?
OH! Novel Lives doesn’t just end there! So much more is to come that I’m so excited about! I already have some ARCs I’m thrilled about… a certain <ahem> Slayer may be around and…. Can you keep a secret? We might just see if two can… and that is just the beginning! Buckle in! it is going to be a great ride! I’m so excited everyone who has and will be joining me for it!!! Have a great week and don’t forget to tell me what you think of Novel Lives so far. Remember I’m new at this so suggestions, feedback, comments… all of it? BRING IT ON!
I love this post and I’m suuuuuper jealously of how productive you’ve been I wish I could get half as much done!! ❤️
Awww thank you! And thank you for the signal boost. I have the book dragon to thank…. here is one of her recent posts: 7 Things Only A Bookdragon Will Understand
She pushed me off the discussion post ledge… Plus I had the HS literary magazines that blew me away and that whole thing with Harper Collins just escalated… Furiously. 🙂 Pressure now to keep it up :/ lol
I’m so happy to hear that the ADD post is making a difference! It’s definitely something that should be needed!