November 27, 2024

Novel Lives

Book Publicity, Book Reviews, And Author Interviews

Tuesday Top Five: Bloggers

This is my very first foray into the oh so popular TOP TEN (OK FIVE—Because I’m Still Meeting and Greeting) TUESDAY! I wanted to pay homage to those I’ve gotten to know since the Sunshine Blogger Award! Plus say a One Month Happy Birthday to Novel Lives!!!!

I want to give the right props to the originator of this idea. I saw this done by multiple bloggers in my email this morning. Only one of them gave an “origination” credit and that was to That Artsy Reader Girl so that is what I’m going with!


Tyrian Dancing


This is my very first foray into the oh so popular TOP TEN (OK FIVE—Because I’m Still Meeting and Greeting) TUESDAY! I wanted to pay homage to those I’ve gotten to know since the Sunshine Blogger Award! ???? Like I said, this isn’t EVERYONE, but those that have gotten on board and been kind and HELPFUL since the Sunshine Blogger Award and now that my site is back up and <ahem #1>  So please don’t feel left out or like I don’t have anything but love for you!

1) Clo- Book Dragons- A Book a Day Keeps Reality Away  @ BOOK DRAGONS    Goodreads


What can I say? You and Sam saved my blog. I love you both! You’re amazing while Evelina kept me as sane as anyone without a prescription pad could! :*

2) Daniela Ark- Biodiverse @Daniela_ark   Goodreads

What can I say about Daniela other than she makes me want to crawl under a rock and hide? #AmReading #AmWriting. She does Everything. She is writing a book (No like seriously… she’s going to pitch it soon and not out a window) … she reads and reviews and writes like other great blogs about why reviewers don’t finish books… she’s an inspiration. And intimidation!

3. Lucy- Lucys Bookish World @bookishluce GoodReads- LucysBookishWord Couldn’t Find Direct Link :/
Instagram - @lucysbookishworld

Someday I will get Lucy to change her blog name to Lucy in the Sky with Books until then I will settle for her reviews of completely different books that I would never know existed if not for her blog! I’m so grateful for the content she brings to the blogosphere!

4. Stephanie Jane- Literary Flits
GoodReads  @stephanie_Jne

Literary Flits
I can’t imagine creating such a complete, diverse and chock full of everything blog that is still streamlined, organized and right at your fingertips. From reviews that have recommendations of other books if you liked that book to guest bloggers, giveaways, indie spotlights and publishing opportunities… whew!!

5) Colleen – Colleen’s Conclusions
@takenbybooks     GoodReads

Clean, easy to navigate and everything that you want right there in front of you (everything my site was not until my friends helped me out). I also love how creative some of her non-review blogs are- top five rereads, ARCs that you hope live up to the hype and books that were DNFd too hastily (been there, done that- my bad)! Glad I’m not the only one!!!????

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