January 12, 2025

Novel Lives

Book Publicity, Book Reviews, And Author Interviews

Sunshine Blogger Award

Thank you to SleepySamReads for nominating me for my first award!!!! Please go check out her blog and subscribe. She does an amazing job!
Thank you to SleepySamReads for nominating me for my first award!!!!
Please go check out her blog and subscribe. She does an amazing job!

Being new to the blogging scene I thought about those who either knowingly or unknowingly had helped me in getting started on my journey. Some are very established and may have already done something like this already and some may not. So if you already have, please don’t feel like you need to do so again. Just think of it as my way of saying thank you!

Here are the rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award: 

  •  Thank the blogger who nominated you by linking their blog.
  •  Answer the questions.
  •  Nominate 11 blogs with 11 questions.
  •  List the rules as well as display the Sunshine Award Logo on your post. 
 Sam's Questions:
1) What is a book you think is super underrated?
 Nikki Sixx's biography/memoirs--- The Heroin Diaries and This is Gonna Hurt.
 I'm just gonna leave it at that because if you've read them, you know
 and if you haven't there isn't any convincing most people.
2) What’s your favorite book to movie adaptation?
   Return of the King. Hands down.
3) What’s your least favorite book to movie adaptation?
   Still A Wrinkle in Time. ffter this last effort, I started thinking it
   isn't adaptable to the movies. It just doesn't transfer well. Some
   material just isn't meant for certain mediums.
4) If you could meet any book character, who would it be and why?
   I don't think that character has been written yet- unless Kaz let me join
   the Dregs as a photographer like Peter Parker to Spider-Man...
5) Who was your first book crush?
   I don't read the kind of books you get crushes from... or that I would
   get crushes from. I don't allow myself to go there because when you stop
   reading and go back to reality it would hurt too much. It would make the
   loneliness worse.
6) What’s the creepiest/scariest book you’ve ever read?
   Oh that's an easy one. Don't ever read this book but definitely read this
   book. The Girl with All the Gifts. If you ever thought you couldn't feel
   complete disgust and empathy at the same time?  There you go.
7) Do you have any other hobbies other than reading and blogging?
   Biking, now... very specifically chosen TV, hockey (watching), music,
   I had other hobbies but a lack of funding and someone to do things with
   have gotten in the way. I've always done things on my own. I have no
   problem doing things on my own. I'm just sick of it. After a while it
   just becomes lonely and tiresome. Trust me when you are 40, you'll
    understand (this the collective, under 40 "you").
8) What book do you think would make an excellent tv series?
   Oh definitely Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom
9) What is your favorite book you had to read for school?
   Oh hell none of them. Thank God I had my mom. She finally just took me
   to a store one day sat me in it and said find something... anything.
   I'm buying groceries and whatever you want I will buy it when I'm done.
   I was like 14ish... I left with Misery by Stephen King.
   I did like Shakespere and Greek Mythology.. that was it.
10) If you could delete one book from existence, which book would it be?
    Just one.... I got a list. Seriously. A Separate Piece. Along the Beach.
    I mean seriously. I could keep going. 
11) Who would you dedicate your book to if you were a writer?
    My Mom... the Mayor of Notre Dame, Jude
    (the last two.. they know who they are)
                       Here are my questions:
1) Why do you blog? 
2) Where do you see your blogging in five years (where do you hope to see it)? 
3) What is the best part about the culture of blogging?
4) What is something you would like to change about the culture of blogging?
5) If you could take the characters from any two series of books and bring them together for an all-star series co-written by the authors of each series, which two series/authors would it be?
6) Of the series (or stand-alone books) we know are being adapted to the movies or tv, which are you most looking forward to seeing?
7) What is a goal you have for yourself in the second half of the 2018 for your blog?
8) What is a goal you set for yourself that you already accomplished in 2018?
9) What yet-to-be released book coming in 2018 are you most excited for?
10) What book has been the biggest disappointment in 2018?
11) What character(s) have taught you the most about yourself in the past year?
12) What book have you reread the most in your life?
I nominate:
Evelina Avalinah's Book Blog and Book Love @avalinahsbooks
Princess of Pages @princessofpages         
Tessa Crazy For YA Blog @crazyfor_YA
Destiny Howling Libraries @howlinglibraries
Melanie Mel to the Any   @meltotheany
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